About Me

Italian Trulli

Hey there . I'm Mohammad Suhairi Bin Shaari, you can call me Hairi . Basically im student and also a very committed employee. Actually im doing my Barchelor In Information System Management at UITM Puncak Perdana but at the same time i also worked at Southern Steel Berhad as a Research Engineer. Thus, had you impressed with me? Haha. To be honest, i love doing both two things at the same time is because i would like to pursue my dreams and take care of my pocket money.

Well, i guess you would love to know more about me huh? Otherwise you wont be here right? Okay, Let me tell you a bit about me before you can explore my pages. I lived and worked in Food paradise which is Penang. Did i mentioned, im single and handsome? HAHA ! Lets skip those part. Now i would like to invite all of you to click on the navigation bar as each pages would describe me very well. So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my pages and lets get started.

My Current Work Place : Southern Steel Berhad as Research Engineer

Southern Steel Logo

Head Quaters Department


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Futsal Team
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Social Media


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